Please submit any questions, related to the below documents, that you would like to have addressed at the 8.17.18 Special Board of Regents Meeting, to
- Updated: Athletic Department Supporting Documentation
- Athletics Department Review Supporting Documentation
- Updated: Athletics’ FY18 Budget and Preliminary Actuals (P21 Exhibit)
- Updated: UNM FAQs Regarding Athletics Recommendations
- Simple Answers to Complex Questions
- Criteria Considered for Discontinuation of Sports
- UNM Athletics Current Overview
- UNM Athletics Analysis and Review
- Athletics Department Financial Overview
- Athletics - Vacancy Info
- Athletics - Personnel Schedule
- Athletics - See Information in Tab 2
- Athletics - Ticket Revenues by Sport
- Athletics - Lobo Club Fundraising Information and Operating Budget
- Athletics - 2017-18 Lobo Club Operating Budget
- Athletics - Special Event Revenue
- Athletics - Analysis of UNM Debt Portfolio and Impact of Moving the Debt of Athletics to the University
- Athletics - Analysis of Revenues and Expenses by Sport
- Athletics - Categorization of Reserves
- Athletics - P21 Exhibit
- Athletics - FY18 Budget by Exhibit
- Athletics - Explanation of the Miscellaneous General Operating Revenue Account (08Z0)
- Athletics - Discussion of Shared Service Strategy
- Athletics - Budget Proposal for Board of Regents